33 Coupe Engine Install 24        10/12/03

This is about where the collector will be when the headers are finished. Notice the piece of wood under the collector to keep it in position while I'm running the first tubes. I have bailing wire holding it so it won't move (high tech stuff here). Now this is the passenger side of the car which is were I'm going to start because I'll need to install the steering column first on the other side. After more parts come in, I'll be able to mount the column and then run the steering shaft. I'll have to make the header tubes run around the steering shaft and not the other way around or I could end up making tubes all over again. 



Now what is all this stuff for you ask? Good question and I'll be glad to answer. I like to mock-up things before I make them so this is just another "plan ahead" thing we have here. By using swimming pool hose which just happens to be 1 7/8" diameter, I can run some of this plastic tubing to see which tube works best where. I bought 12 feet of the tubing which was in one long length and then cut it up. Let's take a look a what it might look like when finished. 



Tadaaaaa.....instant headers! This will give me an idea of what I have to do when making the tubes fit. Things are VERY close to say the least here. After checking to make sure I could still get the spark plugs out and put on the spark plug wires, I think I have the pattern that will work.....at least for this side. 



This is what it looks like under the car. Your looking at the clamps and wires that will hold the collector in place while I'm working. This is necessary so things don't move while running the tubes from the engine to the collectors.


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