33 Coupe Having Fun 14        7/27/06

It's car show time again!

One of the car shows that my wife and I have been waiting for was in Redlands, Ca. called the " Optimist Car Show" which was on Saturday, July 15.  It's held in a nice large city park that has lots of trees for shade which was a good thing because it was 110 degrees that day. Despite the very hot temps, there were hundreds of cars there. It makes for a very nice setting once everyone is all set up.

We arrived at about 6:40am (which is very early for my wife) and the cars were already wrapped around three blocks waiting to get in. The gates opened at 7:00am and who do you think was first in line, my buddy, Larry. As we drove around to the end of the line, I didn't see him at first but after we were inside, that's when I found out he was at the head of the pack. You've got to get up pretty early to beat Larry to a car show.

There were 111 different class's for cars to enter into and I had more than once choice to choose from. My choices were, "1932 - 1936 closed car" or" best street rod". I choose 32 - 36 closed car as it was my first time there with my car and I didn't know what to expect. Well there were a bunch of nice cars there that covered most of the park except one area that had no shade that was towards the middle of the park. In the past, this area would be full of cars but not in this heat.

The show had lots of vendors for food and drinks (the drinks were being sold so fast they couldn't keep'm cold enough for all the thirsty people), car related stuff along with a live band that was very good. One place that a lot of people gathered was the beer garden for two reasons, beer (duh) and the other was because there were water-misters. I have to say, those misters sure felt good in the middle of the day. Oh, and did I mention there were Bud Girls there too!!

Here are a few pictures of just some of the many cars that were at the show and starting it off is this clean 68 Camaro.



Another clean car was this GTO. I would like to own one of these someday.



I've seen flames of all different kinds before but never like these. It almost looks like wood is burning. Very cool looking.



Cars weren't the only things with motors in them as you can see. These choppers were awesome looking.


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