Treat Machine  9                                                8-2024


Working With Wood Again Continued


Here I'm cutting on the line and then I sanded the cut surface with a sanding block. I prefer to use a sanding block on a convex radius in place a belt sander because it's easier to control. However, this method takes longer and is a workout.



A last minute item that Angela wanted was some dog bones for the TREAT machine. These measure 3 1/2" long by 1 1/4" wide by 1/2" thick. I used my bandsaw for this along with my router table to make the edges softer.



The Reveal


Here is the TREAT machine that Matt and Angela designed, which came out very cool looking. There's a lot going on here so let's look at each piece.

The machine is about 10 feet tall and can distribute a treat in the chute at the bottom if you solve one of the clues.

Notice the shape of the roof, that's to mimic a dog house. Also notice the black lines on all the beams, those are to look like wood grain. BTW, those black lines were put on with a felt marker, along with various other spots in the room.

The two round areas on the ceiling are skylights. The one on the right has something special that happens when you solve a clue.

In the back you can see the dogs bed along with some white clouds. More on that next.



Here is a good view of the bed after paint. Matt made the other pieces and then put the bed together, which came out really nice. The white clouds on the wall represents the dog dreaming, and the larger cloud has nine buttons that need to be pushed in the correct order to solve the clue. You can also see the laser pointer that I made on the left as well.



Here is the key pad box attached to the side of the TREAT machine.



Here is the box that has all the buttons on it. Angela liked the sanded finish on the door so she left it as is.



I don't have much information on this but it's located on the back of the TREAT machine.



Here is what the trim plate looked like at one point.



A close up of the electronics on the inside. And they painted the trim plate gray, which is the same color as the rings.



And here is what it looks like all finished. Again, those black highlights are from a felt marker in an effort to look cartoonish. And you can see all the dog bones in there, which were painted gold by Matt, again with some black highlights.



More black highlights, along with some fake explosives.



Here is a close-up of the center ring. Those wood screws don't look too bad now that everything is painted.

These escape room pieces were really fun to work on and it's now open for any age group in case you're interested. And as you can tell, it looks awesome and should be really fun to play.


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