Buzz Wire  6                                                6-2024


More Changes Again


Once the kids started playing around with the dog bone and trying to work this puzzle, they soon found out that it was too hard with that small diameter ring, along with how wide it was. So the kids asked me if I could make something that was larger and not as wide as this one.

I cut the rings off with my Dremel.



I'm going to use the same size material for the new rings that I used on the start/end rings from above. Again, this is 3/16" diameter bar.



I bent two sizes, 1 1/2" and 1 1/4" diameter and welded them. Matt choose the larger one for them, but he will use the smaller one for Open Door Escape Games. One reason for this is because the larger one will be used on a game that only lasts 20 minutes, so they will need all the help they can get. But the games at Open Door are one hour long, which means they have more time and can afford someone to mess-up a time or two.



Here is what they look like now, which should work much easier.



This change didn't take that long and I didn't have to modify the wood at all. And as of this writing, everything is working as is should so that's good news. This was a fun project and hope to work on more like it in the future.



Just a sneak-peak at one wall of the room the kids were contracted with. To learn more about the Lock Wheels in the center you can go here. Open Door Escape Games will look similar but with more detail.


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