Buzz Wire  3                                                5-2024


Working With Wood Continued


I used my table saw to clean up the saw cut surfaces.



I'm putting in a slot for a piece of steel that will be welded to my rings that I made earlier. This piece of steel will also have a wire fastened to it later on. And I'll be adding some holes to hold the two halves of the dog bone together.



I'm using an angle plate to clamp my work piece so I can drill a 1/4" hole for a wire to pass through.



This is a vise work stop but it came in handy clamped to the side of my angle plate so I can locate my work pieces.



This piece of mild steel will be inside the dog bone and will have a wire on the right side (under that 8-32 screw) and the ring I made will get welded to the other side.



Here you can see the slot I cut for the steel piece, and you can see the 1/4" hole as well.



These holes will be used to fasten the two halves together with. I'll be using 10-32 screws and lock nuts.



Stop The Press's... We Have Some Changes


My daughter came over to work on another project so I showed her the progress I had made on this one. When she asked why the dog bone was so thick, I told her that my plan about making both ends rounded and I needed the extra material to do so. Then she told me that if I did it like that, it might look too provocative or sexual, for what they were wanting.

Turns out what she wanted was flat bone with rounded corners, like a box of doggy Milk Bones that you might buy at the store. Well, this change will be much easier for me to make compared to what I thought she wanted so that was fine with me.

The next thing I did was go over to the table saw and cut each half in half again, leaving me with the size that you see below on the right/middle. The piece on the left is what I started with and the two pieces laying flat are what I cut off.



Ok...on to plan B. The good news here is that all that work I've done so far is still valid. And cutting these pieces in half didn't take long so I didn't loose much time. If you look close you can see the pencil marks on the wood that I need to cut out on my band saw.



What I'm doing here is leaving the line on my work piece because I plan on having a small radius at each end as the long flat area transitions to the rounded ends. I'll be using an end mill to produce this radius on my milling machine.


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