Buzz Wire  5                                                5-2024


Assembly Continued


This rubber resistance band came in handy to add a small amount of press fit to the wire. With the wire and the hole being the same size, it was a little too easy to pull it loose so I'll be adding a very small piece of this band to the assembly.



This small piece is all I needed to keep the wire from moving or coming loose if someone tried to pull on it. I placed it top of the wire, put the other half on and then screwed them together. This created a press fit for the wire.



Here it is all finished.



This is the other side to show you the washers and nuts.



Everything went together like I wanted and I'm happy with how it turned out. Now it's time to install everything.



I helped Matt install this at the Escape Room that he was contracted to work at in Forest Falls, CA.



Here you can see the end point. Once someone works their way across the buzz wire to this point, they need to touch the dog bone ring to the small black ring. And once the customer does that, something big happens to let them know they solved this puzzle. The clear hose with the reinforcement is used as an insulator in case someone inadvertently moves that thin ring against the buzz wire because that would short-out some electronics. It's not pretty, but it works.



Here is the start point which is just like the end point.


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