33 Coupe Paint 22        10/04/05

Rob is getting ready to water down the shop floor to keep the dust down and then he can start spraying. I can hardly wait to see what it's going to look like. Time to leave and let Rob get back to work.



I was outside talking to Bart while Rob was working and I heard the air compressor kick on. Well I had to go take a look and see how Rob was doing so I walked around the corner of Bart's shop and the door was open a small amount so I stuck my head in. Check out the cloud of purple paint in the air. I saw Rob filling up his paint gun (to the right and out of the picture) so I asked him how it was going. He said just fine, so I took two pictures but never got my whole body inside the shop. After taking the pictures, I know why Rob, along with other painters wear a respirator because my throat was feeling weird. I wasn't even in the doorway for 30 to 40 seconds and I started coughing. My lungs felt like they wanted to cough up something but there wasn't anything to hack-up. That feeling stayed with me for the rest of the day so that's the last time I do that. Next time I'm going to hold my breath if I peek inside. 

The purple will be the primary color of the flames, which is the theme that I've been going with all along. The next color will be blue that will transition from the purple and then the tips of the flames will have a small amount of green on them which will complete the three colors of the graphics. I've been thinking about these colors for a long time and couldn't decide what the last color would/should be to look right. After telling Rob what I had in mind, he said that green was a natural color progression with the other two colors so I hope it looks good when it's done. I'll be posting a few more pictures of the graphics real soon so drop back by too check them out.


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