Here I'm machining the saw cuts I just made. And yes I
know, there is a lot going on here so let me explain.
Red Arrows: First, I'm using my vise to hold my work
piece, but in doing so (along with all the material removed from the inside
area), I didn't want anything to break or crack. To prevent this from
happening, I used a parallel on the inside (to the right side) to help
with stability, and I'm holding it
with an F clamp.
Then towards the back I'm using an adjustable parallel
to help support the back wall while I'm using two larger F clamps to
hold a scrap piece of wood to protect from tear-out while machining.
Last I'm using another parallel on top of the center
section to help stabilize it while I'm machining that area, otherwise
that section
will vibrate which will cause cutter chatter resulting in a bad finish.
Green arrows: These arrows represent my cutter path.
I entered in the one side and exit through the scrap piece that's being
clamped. Once I had the size I needed on this area, I had to move the
two larger F clamps along with my scrap piece to the other side so I
could machine it. This all worked out great but it took awhile to do
this setup compared to the actual machining process.