I'm going to make some spatulas for this project. You
might ask, "Don't you own a spatula"? Yes I do but not like the one
I'll be making. This one will be used mostly for one purpose, to turn
quesadillas. Now I'm sure most people have dreaded turning a quesadilla
with a normal sized spatula because it can be challenging. However, I'll
be making these the size of a large tortilla, which should make it much easier to flip
it over.
I'm using cherry, alder and black walnut for this build
which were all scrap pieces I had laying around.
Here I'm ripping some alder into smaller
Next I used my bandsaw to resaw pieces of alder along with some
cherry and black walnut because the spatulas will be thin.
I'm jointing the edges of all the pieces so I can glue them together.
I'm gluing both spatulas below but I didn't put any glue between the two
pieces (arrow).
The next day I ran them both through my thickness planer.
Then I sanded both pieces with my DA sander.
I made a template out of paper, then placed it on my work piece and
traced around it with a pencil.
I'm removing a small amount from the handle area using my crosscut sled
on my table saw.
I changed to a 1/4" wide blade on my bandsaw to cut the profile on
both pieces.
Then I used my spindle sander to smooth out all the edges from my
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