Our granddaughter Giuliana, is turning three years old
so I'm going to make her something. Giuliana, or Juju for short, is our
sons little girl and she's a cutie. What I plan on making her is a piggy
bank but it won't be in the shape of a pig, instead it will be in the
shape of the letter G. Now this letter has a lot of curves in it which
makes it tough to make in my garage but I have a plan.
I'm using alder and maple for this project and I'll
need three pieces total. I'm cutting alder below to the length of 10".
Here I'm using my tablesaw to joint the
Next I glued all three pieces together, which are about 10" X 10".
The following day I ran them all through my planer.
Before gluing these pieces together I gave them a quick sanding because
of the snipe produced by my planer (arrow).
Next I made them all the same length before gluing. This helps to keep
things in alignment while gluing so you can use the edges for reference.
Lot's of clamps to make sure I had pressure all over.
The blade on the right is 1/2" wide which is what I use
most of the time while I'm using my bandsaw. However, I need to make
some sharp curves on this project so I changed to a 1/4" wide blade.
I drew this letter G in my CAD system (Computer Aided
Design) and then printed it. This will be my guide that I will follow on
my bandsaw. Also notice the hand written numbers that reference drill
sizes. I'll be drilling these areas before using my bandsaw making it
easier to produce those curves.
I'll be using this spray adhesive to attach the paper template to the
wood surface. This works much better than trying to cutout the shape of
the pattern and then using a pencil to trace around it.
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