Notice the yellow chain here. This goes through that
large gear and would be locked. This is just another puzzle that
needs to be solved in order to move the gears. BTW, this chain takes the
place of an air cylinder. I also used two shaft collars on some of the
larger gears below.
Behind the window, hanging on the threads is a clue
that gets dispensed for the players while spinning the gears. This clue can be placed anywhere
along that thread but is usually within an inch of the end.
The door with the lock right below the window is for
resetting the game. Matt made this door and installed the lock, but this
is not part of the game and is only used by the employees.
At the bottom is where the clue travels down a chute and
is retrieved by the players. Matt made the chute as well. This wall
of gears works great and was really fun to watch as everything was
turning. If you'd like to see a short video of the gears in action,
click here (about 37 mb).
If you are into escape games then you won't be
disappointed with 'Inheritance' because this room has a lot going on
besides this gear wall.