Working With Wood Continued
I used some of the scrap pieces from the head/foot boards to keep my
clamps in alignment while I transferred my screw holes.
Next I opened up the holes on the side
pieces to 3/16".This will provide the clearance for all my screws.
Later I'll be using a 3/8" drill that will go about 1/8" deep for some
wood plugs.
Here I'm running a screw into the holes of my head and
foot boards. Note the soap on the bench. This helps put a small amount
of lubrication on the threads as I run the screw down and back for each hole.
Again I used some scrap pieces to help hold my clamps while I
transferred the hole location.
Once I was happy with the dry-fit, I glued and screwed things together.
Here I'm using my 3/8" plug cutter to cover all the screws with.
I put a dab of glue in each hole and then installed the plugs.
A few hours later I used a wood chisel to remove most of the plug
material. This goes fast and now I'm ready to sand them.
Here is what it looks like after sanding. Some of the plugs didn't match
as well as these did but they still looked pretty good.
Here is the paint booth, my side yard. I took advantage of the small
window of sunlight that I had that day because it had been raining off and on for a few
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