Audrey's Chair-Stool  6                                                04-2018



Here are the racks that I used for the dowel rods. The one standing vertical doesn't have the clear finish at either end. The reason for this is because that would have made my slight press fit into a heavy press fit.

I applied the polyurethane to half of the rod, turned it over and did the other half. The piece holding it upright is what I used as my test piece to check the hole size before cutting my actual work piece.



Here you can see where the polyurethane starts and ends.



Once all the clear finish was dry, some of it found it's way into the holes so I needed to clean this out so everything would go together.



This was a simple process of using my 1/2" reamer by hand. After a few turns, I had the polyurethane cleaned out and my bushings fit again. If you look close you can see some light pieces of clear finish on the towel.



Everything went together nice and easy and here is the finished project.



I used stainless hardware here and by using a locknut I was able to adjust the amount of tension on the movable arms. If the arms are not tight enough or are too loose, this can be adjusted at anytime.



The seat area is 8" X 12" and is 7" high.



I sure like the contrast of these two species of wood.



Here you can see one area where I didn't put a radius all the way along the piece. I think it gives it a better look myself.


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