This project came about while I was talking with my
daughter, Tracey and how it would be nice if she had an ottoman. She sent me a
picture of one that someone made out of a wooden wire spool and I told her that
I could make her whatever she wanted. Tracey told me the dimensions that
she needed and the next day I got started.
Now I should mention this project is going to be a joint
effort between Tracey and myself. I'll be making the inner structure,
then she will cover it with some padding and then sew a cover for it.
So now that you know what I'll be making, lets get started.
Building an Ottoman
Lucky for me I had all the material I'd needed because the
cost of wood these days has really gotten out of hand. What you see below is 1/2"
plywood with an 18" circle that I made with my large compass. The arrows
are pointing to the outer parts of the circle because my camera didn't
pickup my pencil marks very well. I'll be cutting two of these, right
next to the line with my jigsaw leaving a small amount for sanding.