Escape Room Switch  6                                                11-2022


As you can see the box ended up green, which is a nice contrasting color against the red and white wall that it's mounted to. The kids painted the box and then I reassembled it and mounted it to the wall. The switch is in the off position here.



And here you can see it's in the on position.



Not the best picture here but you can see the brass spacer that I made that goes under the upper contacts, preventing anything touching the wooden box.



This is the "Gift-O-Matic 5000", the heart of the new escape room appropriately named, "Operation Save Christmas" at Open Door Escape Games. The Gift-O-Matic 5000 is the brainchild of my son-in-law Matt, and together we built this wild looking machine at their newest escape room.


This switch was a lot of fun build and looks right at home on that really cool looking machine. I'd love to tell you more about this new machine but that would give away some of the clues. However, you can experience the entire room yourself if you want by booking a reservation online from the links above.


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