Doll High Chair 11                                                04-2019


It's Finished


Here it is all finished.



After spraying the clear, I sanded with 600 grit paper to knock off all of the dust and rough spots.



I like the contrasting wood here.



Here you can see a couple of things. One is the nice looking hardware. Also notice the rounded edges from my router and how I stopped short of the ajoining piece.



This is a better shot of what I'm talking about with stopping short with the router. I think this looks much better this way.



A shot from the back and you can see both the tray and seat with the black walnut.



I have the screws tightened so the tray will stay in the upright position while placing a doll inside.



Some nice looking hard maple. And there are 60 wooden dowels total for this project!



This was a lot of work but I'm pretty happy with it and I hope my granddaughter will be to. Happy Birthday little one...enjoy!!


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