Cake Pop Stands   2                                             12-2021


Making Cake Pop Stands Continued


I had two pieces of 3/8" dowel and sure enough, they were different sizes so I had to do some sanding.



This should give you a good idea of where the dowels will be placed. The vertical ones in the center are to help align the second row.



I wanted to make sure some of the edges were rounded so I used my router table with a 3/16" roundover bit.



Glue Up # 2


I'm gluing the bottom row and second row here. And like I did before, no glue between the two pieces.



Once the glue was dry, I sanded both sides with 120 grit.



Glue Up # 3


This is the final gluing with all three tiers clamped in place. And the single top piece has dowels as well.



To make sure I didn't put a dent in my top piece I'm using a cardboard shim under the clamp.



Both ends only needed minimal sanding until each block was nice and smooth. Also note that only some of the edges have a 3/16" radius.



Time For Some Holes


I did some checking and I found two different size cake pop sticks; 3/16" (.1875) and 5/32" (.156). I'm drilling the holes .191" diameter because this way both sizes should fit. The depth is one inch deep and there are seven on each tier, making 35 total holes.



I put a small chamfer on each hole by hand. This tool works great for an edge break that doesn't need to be very large.


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