Working With Wood
What I plan on doing is making a wooden handle for a knife. What kind
of knife? Hang in there...
I sanded off some of the high spots and then used a #3 center drill on
one end.
I chucked the branch in my lathe and used a live center on the end I
used my center drill.
This is the first time I've ever worked with peach and so far it's
cutting fine.
Working with Metal
Here is what I have in mind for my knife. Now this is a 'butter
knife' that came from my kitchen so it's nothing special. However, this
new knife handle is going to make life a little easier once I'm
Here I'm milling the handle thickness until it cleans up because it was
slightly rounded. I'm not sure what kind of stainless steel this is but
it machined pretty good.
Here you can see a comparison of the two up to this point. I did more
work to the profile after this picture was taken to match my sketch
above, but you get the idea.
Working with Wood
I made a quick fixture to could cut my round handle in half.
I clamped my fixture to my miter gage and then used my bandsaw to cut my
peach work piece.
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