This project came about (like some others I've done) because I was in
need or call it
necessity. And what I'm making this time I'm calling it a barrel rack. What's a 'barrel
rack' you ask? Well for the lack of a better name, it's something
that has slots in it that a gun barrel can rest in.
Here's what I
mean: when getting a gun out of my safe, I've had to place some of my
long guns either on the floor or rest them against a desk while I'm moving
them out of the way, all in an effort to get at the one I want. Then it
hit me, if I had a place to stand the gun up while I'm pulling them out,
I wouldn't have to worry about it falling. Hence a rack to rest the
barrel of my gun in....or 'barrel rack'.
The next question you might be thinking is, how is a small piece of wood
going to keep a gun from falling over? Well...if I used some magnets
with them, I could attach it to the side of my gun safe just about
anywhere I wanted. So there you have it, an adjustable rack to place a
gun barrel in so I don't have to lay them on the floor or lean them
against something.
The wood I'll be using will be (from the top down) black walnut, oak
and hard maple.