Here is another email that I wanted to share before I deleted it. These
are concept cars that were made in the 50's and most of them are very
cool. A concept car is something car manufactures built to showcase
their new designs and styling along with new technology. They are often
shown at big automotive shows to see customer reactions which may or may
not make it to production. Concept cars are still made today and most of them,
new and old, are all unique in many ways other than just sheet metal
modifications. Other than the names of each car, I don't have any
information about them. Below is what I had in my email, enjoy!
They were pure fantasy on wheels, machines designed to make the heart
race and the mind ask, "What if?" These 1950's concept cars were
automotive art built to attract public attention, test wild engineering
ideas and give motorists a fleeting glimpse down the highway of