Cat Tree                December 2008



My daughter Tracey, had an idea about building something for her cats to climb on and wanted to know if I could help her build it. She said she already had the design on paper and once she told me about it, I was more than happy to help her.

After a trip to the hardware store for some lumber and fasteners, it was time to get started. For the center posts I used two 2 X 4's and some 1/2" plywood strips between them to create a 4 X 4. The strips were used in place of one solid 1/2" piece of plywood so I would end up with a hollow area down the middle. This hollow area would be used for some 1/2" all-thread which was used to hold top piece, 4 X 4 posts and base together with. The base is made out of particle board and pine was used for everything else.



Once I had the structure finished, it was time for some carpet. I bought a roll of remnants from a carpet store which worked out great because it didn't cost much and we had some leftover. I used staples to fasten the carpet down with, which just about killed my hand because of how many that were needed. I let Tracey help with some of it but she didn't last very long so I took over again.



 Here it is all finished and the most important daughter and her cats like it.



 It weighs about 85 to 90 pounds and is very sturdy. And I really like the design that Tracey had for this project.



It's almost six feet tall and by the look on this ones face, she likes it.